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SQLAlchemy 1.4.42 Released

SQLAlchemy 1.4.42 is now available.

Release 1.4.42 includes a variety of bug fixes mostly in the area of ORM related use cases. Two new ORM related configurational warnings are added as well, indicating situations that can otherwise lead to confusing behavior in some cases when the incorrect mappings are used. While it's likely that some existing setups may have either of these patterns in place and will see the new warnings, these mis-configuration patterns have been possible for many years and don't indicate any new issue for existing applications.

Additionally fixed ongoing regressions regarding the MSSQL dialect in attempting to connect to various forms of Azure cloud databases, where fixes for one type of Azure database then introduce new problems connecting to another kind. The SQLAlchemy project doesn't have direct testing resources for these databases so we can only rely upon user feedback to know what's working, however it's very likely the issues are finally resolved in this release.

The complete changelog for 1.4.42 is at Changelog.

SQLAlchemy 1.4.42 is available on the Download Page.