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SQLAlchemy 0.9.7 Released

SQLAlchemy release 0.9.7 is now available.

The 0.9 series is now entering maintenance mode where major new features are now targeted at the 1.0 series. Release 0.9.7 contains a wide range of bugfixes, many of which are identified as regressions from previous 0.9.X releases including three introduced in 0.9.5. All relevant fixes are of course forwards-ported to the 1.0 series and a handful are also backported to 0.8.7, being released at the same time.

A small number of new features include Postgresql JSONB support, improved Postgresql text matching features and a new event hook which allows database exceptions to be intercepted and re-thrown as new ones.

Users should carefully review the Changelog to note which behaviors and issues are affected. We'd like to thank the many contributors who helped with this release.

SQLAlchemy 0.9.7 is available on the Download Page.