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Yelp! Rolls SQLAlchemy 0.7.3 into Production

With the release of SQLAlchemy 0.7.3 just two days ago, fixing a few remaining regressions from 0.6, the well known review site Yelp! has now successfully rolled SQLAlchemy 0.7 into production usage, migrating their codebase from 0.6 to run 0.7.3.

SQLAlchemy 0.7 represents the culmination of over six years of constant development, enhancement, and testing, forged by the invaluable feedback and field reports of hundreds of users and organizations. I'd like to thank everyone who's chipped in over the years from our core contributors to new users reporting bugs and requesting clarification - every interaction goes directly towards improving the product, and there's many more on the way. And congratulations to Yelp!