What’s New in SQLAlchemy 2.1?

About this Document

This document describes changes between SQLAlchemy version 2.0 and version 2.1.

Row now represents individual column types directly without Tuple

SQLAlchemy 2.0 implemented a broad array of PEP 484 typing throughout all components, including a new ability for row-returning statements such as select() to maintain track of individual column types, which were then passed through the execution phase onto the Result object and then to the individual Row objects. Described at SQL Expression / Statement / Result Set Typing, this approach solved several issues with statement / row typing, but some remained unsolvable. In 2.1, one of those issues, that the individual column types needed to be packaged into a typing.Tuple, is now resolved using new PEP 646 integration, which allows for tuple-like types that are not actually typed as Tuple.

In SQLAlchemy 2.0, a statement such as:

stmt = select(column("x", Integer), column("y", String))

Would be typed as:

Select[Tuple[int, str]]

In 2.1, it’s now typed as:

Select[int, str]

When executing stmt, the Result and Row objects will be typed as Result[int, str] and Row[int, str], respectively. The prior workaround using Row._t to type as a real Tuple is no longer needed and projects can migrate off this pattern.

Mypy users will need to make use of Mypy 1.7 or greater for pep-646 integration to be available.


Not yet solved by pep-646 or any other pep is the ability for an arbitrary number of expressions within Select and others to be mapped to row objects, without stating each argument position explicitly within typing annotations. To work around this issue, SQLAlchemy makes use of automated “stub generation” tools to generate hardcoded mappings of different numbers of positional arguments to constructs like select() to resolve to individual Unpack[] expressions (in SQLAlchemy 2.0, this generation produced Tuple[] annotations instead). This means that there are arbitrary limits on how many specific column expressions will be typed within the Row object, without restoring to Any for remaining expressions; for select(), it’s currently ten expressions, and for DML expressions like insert() that use Insert.returning(), it’s eight. If and when a new pep that provides a Map operator to pep-646 is proposed, this limitation can be lifted. [1] Originally, it was mistakenly assumed that this limitation prevented pep-646 from being usable at all, however, the Unpack construct does in fact replace everything that was done using Tuple in 2.0.

An additional limitation for which there is no proposed solution is that there’s no way for the name-based attributes on Row to be automatically typed, so these continue to be typed as Any (e.g. row.x and row.y for the above example). With current language features, this could only be fixed by having an explicit class-based construct that allows one to compose an explicit Row with explicit fields up front, which would be verbose and not automatic.


Asyncio “greenlet” dependency no longer installs by default

SQLAlchemy 1.4 and 2.0 used a complex expression to determine if the greenlet dependency, needed by the asyncio extension, could be installed from pypi using a pre-built wheel instead of having to build from source. This because the source build of greenlet is not always trivial on some platforms.

Disadvantages to this approach included that SQLAlchemy needed to track exactly which versions of greenlet were published as wheels on pypi; the setup expression led to problems with some package management tools such as poetry; it was not possible to install SQLAlchemy without greenlet being installed, even though this is completely feasible if the asyncio extension is not used.

These problems are all solved by keeping greenlet entirely within the [asyncio] target. The only downside is that users of the asyncio extension need to be aware of this extra installation dependency.


ORM Relationship allows callable for back_populates

To help produce code that is more amenable to IDE-level linting and type checking, the relationship.back_populates parameter now accepts both direct references to a class-bound attribute as well as lambdas which do the same:

class A(Base):
    __tablename__ = "a"

    id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)

    # use a lambda: to link to B.a directly when it exists
    bs: Mapped[list[B]] = relationship(back_populates=lambda: B.a)

class B(Base):
    __tablename__ = "b"
    id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
    a_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(ForeignKey("a.id"))

    # A.bs already exists, so can link directly
    a: Mapped[A] = relationship(back_populates=A.bs)
