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SQLAlchemy 1.0.11 Released

SQLAlchemy release 1.0.11 is now available.

Release 1.0.11, only twelve days after 1.0.10's release, is expedited to correct for one ORM-related regression introduced by a 1.0.10 fix; some other fairly significant bugfixes involving more recently added features, all reported subsequent to the release of 1.0.10, were also fixed. Fixes include a major issue in the "baked lazy loader" extension when used as a systemwide-replacement for lazy loading, a major series of fixes to the "eager_defaults" mapper persistence option, and a revision to 1.0.10's fix for a particular polymorphic joined-eager loading issue.

Changelog for 1.0.11 is at:


SQLAlchemy 1.0.11 is available on the Download Page.